
In september 2002 I went back to Zeeburg to make some new pictures from the changing harbor district. One year erlier, in november 2001, I made a photo-serie about Zeeburg. I was amazed how everything changed there so quickly. That was the reason for my visit this year, try to capture the changes at the Amsterdam harborfront, the IJ-oevers. From the west at the Westerdokskade towards the east at Borneo, everything is almost new. Have a look at the pictures I made there and some information I managed to find about the buildings and projects.

More on the web:
Graansilo.nl / Silodam.org / Amsterdam ontwikkeld IJ oevers / Buildingprojects at Westerdokseiland / Amsterdam Bureau Monumenten & Archeologie / Pacman @ Borneo / Fountainhead / The Whale [pdf] / Cyburg / Het Parool: De eilanden van de stad / Oostenlijk Havengebied.nl / Zeeburg.nl / Amsterdam.nl / Camping Zeeburg / Pakhuizen en Silo's / Drum Rhythm Festival